Malformed Data
In really large and messy datasets, you may just want to skip the malformed rows
julia> using uCSV, DataFrames, Test
julia> s =
julia> e = @test_throws ErrorException DataFrame(
Test Passed
Thrown: ErrorException
julia> @test e.value.msg ==
Parsed 2 fields on row 2. Expected 1.
Possible fixes may include:
1. including 2 in the `skiprows` argument
2. setting `skipmalformed=true`
3. if this line is a comment, setting the `comment` argument
4. if fields are quoted, setting the `quotes` argument
5. if special characters are escaped, setting the `escape` argument
6. fixing the malformed line in the source or file before invoking ``
Test Passed
julia> DataFrame(, skipmalformed=true))
┌ Warning: Parsed 2 fields on row 2. Expected 1. Skipping...
└ @ uCSV ~/.julia/dev/uCSV/src/helperfunctions.jl:46
1×1 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ x1 │
│ │ Int64 │
│ 1 │ 1 │